Looking to install your new "Front Cargo Basket" onto your eBike? FOllow these instructions to get this mounted and ready to carry your cargo!
You will need the following tools to install this:
5mm Allen KEy
Needlenose Pliers
Optional but will make the installation process easier!
10mm Wrench
You should have the mounting bolts on your eBike already within the front basket mounting holes or included with the basket. If you do not, this requires 4 M6x15 Bolts!

Step 1
Remove the 4 Basket Mount bolts on your bike with the 5mm Allen Key if they re installed on your bike.
Remove the stock headlight from your bike if it is attached by your fender. The steps to do this can differ bike to bike but usually involved removing a bolt with a 5mm Allen Key.
Unplug the spade connectors providing power to the light.
Sometimes these can be removed by hand but if they are tough to pul out by hand using needlenose pliers will help!

Step 2
Take your basket. Line it up with the mounts to confirm which holes on the basket line up with the holes on the frame.
Take the 4 bolts, washers, and the basket. Thread each bolt in by 3 turns to begin.
With the bolts loosely holding the basket to the bike push the basket into the headtube and finish tightening the remaining 4 bolts
Tighten the bolts in a Star Pattern for the final few turns to ensure a secure installation!
You might need to push some of the wires and cables to the side while mounting or after mounting the basket!

Step 3
Take your headlight. You can now mount it to the front of the basket. Put the headlight on the front of the basket and secure it to the mounting hole with a locknut.
You may need an additional M6x15 Bolt, Locknut and washer to mount this here.

Step 4
Lastly reconnect the power wires to the headlight. If your headlight power wires are long enough gently pull them out from the frame and reconnect them to your headlight in the same way there were previously connected!
If your stock headlight wires aren't long enough Biktrix can provide a Headlight Wire Extension to make the stock headlight wires connect to the stock light.
When using this make sure to match positive to positive and negative to negative.
If you need this just contact Biktrix and we will give you a hand to find these!
Your Front Cargo Basket is now installed and ready to carry all you need on your eBiking adventures!